Saturday, January 6, 2018

trees are like people

trees are like people
they come in many shades of black and white
and yellow and brown

trees are like people
some are round and short, others tall and thin
but all wear colorful adornments that change with the seasons

trees are like people
some like the sun, while some like the shade
some bear fruit, while others were not meant to

trees are like people
they have limbs and knees, and scars and crowns and lobes and teeth

trees are like people
seedlings, fragile, young and needy
that, nourished, grow strong and secure in their roots

trees are like people
some stand alone atop a hill
with prickly needles on branches bent and beaten by the ages
while some flourish in groves, happy to be surrounded by their own kind

trees are like people
they all grow from the warmth of the sun
and drink of the rain
and stretch to reach the heavens.

© 2009 - 2018 Thomas Hillman, from Mere Words Evoke, poetic expressions

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