Peace and Love— May we all recognize the importance of peace and love as the given way of life for the betterment of humanity. We should all do our part to help shift the consciousness of humanity to peace and love—there are a lot of people to reach out to, and there is a lot to do before peace and love becomes the given way of life of humanity. The world is transforming, and the new world is coming—and it will be defined by peace and love. HOW do we individually help achieve true peace? Peace starts individually within us, and is reached out through Love to those around us, one person at a time, until our collective effort is millions upon millions strong, with voices and real actions given of peace and love. Remember, every act of kindness—no matter how small—makes our world a better place for us all—and that’s what it’s all about. :^) ♥
In remembrance of all those fallen, disabled, and with wounded hearts, with the hope and prayer that peace and love will rule our lives — that peace and love will truly become the given way of humanity’s future. Love is the answer. Love can change the world. Be the best of humanity. Lead the way through love. Love yourself first, you are a unique creature given a gift called Life.
Peace starts individually within us, and is reached out through Love to those around us. Give love, and receive peace.
Dreams become realities. Dream of a peaceful world. A world of love, respect, courtesy, tolerance, sharing, giving, hugs, smiles, and joy — joy for the gift of life. Dream it, and it can, and will happen.
No matter whether you are religious, an atheist, or what your philosophy of truth may be, the purest statement of peace and love — personally, that I have heard — is reflected in this message from Jesus Christ that said, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
If we were to live our lives by just one rule, let it be that Love rules our life. May peace and love be with you friends, Thomas. :^) ♥